OBC team Staff Knowledge Base

Introducing OBC team

Welcome to Onboardcouriers.eu, the knowledge base for on board couriers. Only OBC team staff have access to this website. Please refer to our customer website for more information on our activitites.

Staff login Staff registration

3 steps to access

Only OBC team staff are granted access to this website. Are you an on board courier? Please identify yourself, following the three steps outlined to the right.

1. Register
Please use an e-mail address that you check regularly. You will receive an e-mail requiring further action. Also, you will receive frequent updates.

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2. Wait for confirmation
Every registration is checked by OBC team. We will inform you of the decision through e-mail. Please allow 72 hours for this response.

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3. Login
When your registration is confirmed, please login using your e-mail address and the password you chose.

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2. Wait for confirmation

Every registration is checked by OBC team. We will inform you of the decision through e-mail. Please allow 72 hours for this response.

This website contains confidential information that is vital to the functioning of OBC team and the security and reliability we offer our clients. Therefore, we manually check every registration against our database of couriers. This may take up to 72 hours, although we aim to grant access swiftly to those eligible.

Only couriers who have been available at least 4 days in a row within the last 10 weeks have access to this website. If your availability has dropped beneath this minimum requirement, your account will be suspended. Please contact OBC team by phone or by e-mail as soon as you are available again. You are considered available if you have at least 4 days in a row available in your calendar.


OBC Login